Salad fingers is a YouTube series created by David Firth in 2007, it is a psychological creepy cartoon and is probably one of the most famous creepy series of all the YouTube space.
The story is about a guy that survived the "Great War", his survival is still unknown but physical, he is deformed by the radiation, the only deformations that are interesting are his large and green hands that he named "fingers", probably because of people he knew before the war. His entire story is still a mystery .
He is also a cannibal psychopath, he has an obsession for tasting and scratching everything he finds, he lives in a bunker with a bed, three puppets that probably are his only friends, a broken radio, a save room, and a tree that is outside of the bunker that he personally named Mr. Branches. In the environment there are few survivals of the Great War: a small yellow guy and two normal kids.
This series is one of the most perturbing and creepy cartoon available on YouTube, at some point this is probably the best terror videos for those who like to explore the unknown places of our minds.
Here is an episode:
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