Tom and Jerry is an animated TV
show created around the year 1970, but, of course, in that time the quality of
the episodes was poor and looked dark, and the background sounds were very low.
The plot of this TV show is about a cat(Tom) that chases a small mouse(Jerry).
This series had a lot of success that even they launched their first movie in 1992.
Later on, the director became desperate for unknown reasons, he was mad and
furious at the TV show, so he created this sadistic episode.
The episode starts
as normal, but.... the quality looks dark and the sound is high. First, the
camera focuses on the fat owner in shorts, he looks mad. Then, he stomps Tom's
tail in a very painful and realistic way because he was sleeping in the
basement door. The owner tells him, "never go down there".
After that, Tom escapes terrified to
another room, but suddenly Jerry comes out and makes a diabolic face. The next
minutes, Tom chases Jerry normally, but when they get close to the basement's
door, the owner grabs a stick and beats Tom until he breaks his leg and
splashes his blood. Then, Tom crawls to Jerry and begs him to stop(Jerry's objective
was to bring Tom to the basement's door), but Jerry laughs at him and pushes
him back to the basement.
The owner yells, but Jerry grabs a
knife and stabs the owner's leg. Then, Tom and Jerry grab the owner's body and
throw it into the basement. then they both shake their hands, but Jerry betrays
him and stabs him several times, and then throws him into a pile of dead bodies
in decomposition.
At the end, Jerry puts the house in
sale with the purpose of doing it all again, meaning to commit more murders. This
is one of the creepiest episodes ever. Only a few people could see this
episode and talk about it.
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