
Friday, November 15, 2013

Tails Doll

Tails Doll is one of the six unlockable characters from the game Sonic R launched in 1997 for the Sega Saturn console. The legend says that the one who gets to unlock this character, after accomplishing the Radical City track, acquiring the five tokens and getting on one of first three places, will run the risk of getting a visit from the terrifying Tails Doll.

Everything started at Los Angles, California. There, a kid was playing with the Sega Saturn as usual. The mother came up to his room to look for him, but the door was closed and the kid didn't answer. When she opened the door, she found the kid lying on the floor with spume getting out of his mouth, the child had his pupils dilated staring at nothing. The kid was dead and the theme Can you feel the Sunshine? was happily playing at the background at this tragic scene.

When the police arrived, the mother signed a declaration where she ensured that the kid spent a lot of time playing with the Sega Saturn. She also said that he was obsessed with the idea of unlocking a secret character. When the autopsy was made, they discovered that the kid had died of suffocation during an epileptic attack, but the strange thing was that there were not genetic epileptic antecedents in the family.

During the funeral, the mother gifted the belongings of the kid to the assistants, and she gave the Sega Saturn to his son's best friend. Then at the friend's house, he turned on the Sega Saturn and saw that the game Sonic R was in there. He liked the game so he started playing. Then, he saw the last thing the kid did before dying... Tails Doll unlocked.


Can you feel the Sunshine?

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